image with artdirection

Summer Activity Tour

An Outdoor Paradise

在夏季,怀俄明州的石泉和绿河是一个蓬勃发展的户外天堂. With 10,500 square miles of pure adventure, you are sure to find something for everyone, from hiking, biking, fishing, golfing, sightseeing, dinosaur hunting, shopping or just plain getting away from it all.  We have compiled a tour of the best parts of Sweetwater County, so enjoy your favorite summer activity.

View Wildlife at Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge

Established in 1965, the Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge 在丰特奈尔大坝和格林河之间的河流上占地26,000英亩. Seedskadee is home to a wide variety of birds, pronghorn antelope, mule deer, moose, fish, reptiles and amphibians. 大部分野生动物观察活动都在野生动物自驾游路线和河流走廊沿线进行. 自驾游路线在河的西侧,经过霍利湿地单元, Refuge Headquarters and Hamp wetland unit. Seedskadee还提供世界级的鳟鱼垂钓、水禽、高地鸟类和大型猎物狩猎.

Access to Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge: From Green River, Wyoming, 沿着I-80公路向西行驶约6英里,到达拉巴吉路(372高速公路)出口. 沿着372高速公路继续向北行驶27英里,到达避难所的主要入口标志. Turn right onto the gravel entrance road and travel 2.5 miles to the refuge headquarters WY-372 W/La Barge Rd. 41.85070000, -109.85750000

Mountain Bike at Green River Bike Park

Bring your bike to the Green River Bike Park,为家庭和有经验的骑自行车者提供各种令人兴奋的小径和特色. Features at the park include dirt jumps, an elevated trail with ladder bridges, a pump track with berm turns and roller pumps, and a beginner skills area. 如果想轻松骑行,家人可以骑上自行车,沿着环形步道(Loop Trail)游览公园的边缘. 步道的标记与滑雪道类似,绿色圆圈表示最容易的步道,黑色钻石则留给更高级的骑手. 所有技术水平的山地自行车爱好者都可以无忧无虑地享受自行车公园.

Access Point: From I-80, exit 91 Green River/WY-530/E Flaming Gorge Way, merge onto E Flaming Gorge Way, take ramp onto Uinta Dr., turn left on Monroe Ave, stay straight when Monroe Ave. becomes a dirt road and enters Stratton-Myers Park. Drive to the end of the road and park. 绿河自行车停车场就在停车场南边的小溪对面.

Kayak, Canoe or Tube at the Whitewater Park at Expedition Island

The 探险岛公园的白水公园和北油管通道 provide amenities for floating and swimming. The North Channel Tubing Channel at Expedition Island Park is a 1,200英尺的河流/油管通道是初学者练习爱斯基摩人滚动的绝佳场所, eddy-outs and peel-outs. Or just cruise down the river in a tube. 白水公园沿途有三个主要特点:第一个特点形成了一个平滑, friendly wave and is great for beginners, 第二个特征是在下游半英里处有一个稍强的波浪, and the third feature, 被称为城堡瀑布,由八个气动控制的闸门组成,可以升高或降低,以几乎任何流速产生完美的波浪.

Access Point: 475 South Second East St., Green River, Wyoming 82935

Fish at Lake Flaming Gorge

Lake Flaming Gorge is home to some of the best cold-water fishing and trophy fishing in the country. 奖杯大小的鳟鱼,尤其是大型湖鳟鱼,全年在火焰湖峡谷奖励垂钓者. 体重超过50磅的鱼创下了怀俄明州和犹他州的记录.

卢塞恩码头旁边的林伍德湾一直是钓大鱼的热门地点. 整个水库都可以看到彩虹,通常在四月份变得活跃. By May or early June, 在开阔水域或远洋区域,鱼会悬浮在25到30英尺深的地方. 即使是小嘴鲈鱼也可以在整个峡谷的岩石海岸线上找到栖息地.

Access Point: 麦金农Squaw Hollow路外,WY 82938°/Long - 41°9 ' 41″N, 109°33 ' 4″W

See the Wild Horses on the Pilot Butte Wild Horse Scenic Loop Tour

The Pilot Butte Wild Horse Scenic Loop will be an unforgettable experience for you and your family. Sweetwater County’s cherished wild horses 是开阔的风景和野性的拓荒精神的活生生的例子吗. 马在这个国家灭绝后,西班牙人在19世纪重新引入了马. Current herds are descendants of those Spanish horses, 还有其他被牧场主赶出来的马或者被野马群从牧场引诱出来的马. 注意在石泉和十四哩山之间的野马,以及穿过白山山顶的所有路线.

Access Point: 燃烧峡谷路和野马峡谷路,格林河,怀俄明州82935

ATV at Killpecker Sand Dunes

Killpecker Sand Dunes, encompassing approximately 109,000 acres, 从绿河盆地向东延伸55英里,跨越大陆分水岭,进入大分水岭盆地. 这些沙丘是世界上第二大活动沙丘场. Explore the awe-inspiring Killpecker Sand Dunes and discover 11,000 acres in a designated “Open Play Area” on a dune buggie, dirt bike, ATV and other off-road vehicles. 或者在沙丘上徒步旅行,有机会看到一群罕见的沙漠麋鹿或观赏野猪的獠牙, 这是怀俄明州一个400多英尺高的著名地质地标.

Access Point:  From Rock Springs, take U.S. 191 about 10 miles north. Turn right at CR 4-18 (at the sign that sign that read Petroglyphs, Sand Dunes, Boar’s Tusk), then left at CR 4-17.

Sightsee at White Mountain Petroglyphs

冒险26英里东北的岩石泉看到古代艺术品被称为 White Mountain Petroglyphs. 在始新世桥组的砂岩基岩上蚀刻了十几块刻有数百个人物的石板. 这些雕刻的岩画是由现在的平原和大盆地印第安人的祖先雕刻的. The petroglyphs include drawings of elk, buffalo, horses, 圆锥形帐篷和各种各样的人物,包括戴着羽毛头饰的骑手. Many of the petroglyphs date back about 200 years, 欧美人引进的马就是明证. 其他的数字似乎要古老得多,据考古学家估计,它们的年龄多达1岁,000 years old. 这些岩画位于上瓦萨奇地层白山的棕色砂岩悬崖上. 包含岩画的悬崖面朝南,从西向东延伸. 它大约有300英尺长,从西边的10英尺到东边的40英尺不等.

Access Point: From Rock Springs, take U.S. 191 about 10 miles north. Turn right at CR 4-18 (at the sign that sign that read Petroglyphs, Sand Dunes, Boar’s Tusk), then left at CR 4-17, 在土路上行驶大约14英里,直到你到达白山岩画标志. 左转进入土路,开大约两英里,直到你到达BLM停车场. 从这里开始,你要步行大约四分之一英里,沿着一条拥挤的小径前往岩画. Make sure to travel in a four-wheel-drive vehicle. 带上食物和水,让别人知道你要去哪里,什么时候回来.
